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The Chimay event is an annual classic motorcycle race. The CRMCB (Classic Racing Motorcycle Club Belgium) organizes a number of races every year (Chimay, Jehonville and occasionally Francorchamp).

Chimay is not a rally but a real racing weekend; two practice sessions on Saturday and two races on Sunday. Lot's of different classes run and we usually ride in the "big bike" class. This because our triples are 830cc (only mine is 750cc at the moment - but not for long!).

The second Rob North team bike is almost finished and will be run next year in 2002. This is a BSA Rocket III. We are looking for a third Rob North but haven't found a suitable example yet (should be a racer, but it doesn't have to be in pristine condition)

The "team" shot Mr. Eric Casius (Norton 650cc Domiracer) is also seen as we walk to the scrutineering.

Rob van der Vegt